
how to bail someone out of jail

A Guide on How to Bail Someone Out of Jail

Over half a million Americans are incarcerated in local jails every day. The use...

domestic violence bail

Domestic Violence Bail Bond: Everything You Need to Know

In 1 year, 10 million men and women face domestic violence at the hands...

Arrested in North Carolina

What to Do if You’re Arrested in North Carolina (And What Not to Do)

Every year, more than 44,000 crimes are committed in the state of North Carolina....

bail bond cost

The Price of Freedom: Understanding Your Bail Bond Cost

Has someone you know been arrested for the first time?  Are you scrambling to learn more...

right to protest

Right to Protest: What to Do if You’re Arrested at a Protest

Police and protests don't mix well. Officers made more than 10,000 arrests during ten days of...

affordable bail bonds

Affordable Bail Bonds: Top Tips to Help You Choose the Best One

Bail bonds are something most people don't understand until they find themselves or a loved...

bail agent

5 Tips for Finding the Best Bail Agent

Do you know what to do if you get arrested? You go straight to jail...

bail bonding

The Do’s and Don’ts Of Bail Bonding

Bail bonding is a unique service. It allows someone in the tightest position of their life...

bail bond

What Is a Bail Bond and How Does It Work?

128,000 people go to jail each year in North Carolina. And thanks to North Carolina...

bail bonds companies

5 Factors to Consider When Choosing Bail Bonds Companies

The average cost of bail has increased from around $25,000 to over $50,000 in...