What to Do if You’re Arrested in North Carolina (And What Not to Do)
Every year, more than 44,000 crimes are committed in the state of North Carolina. Nobody likes dealing with the process after they are arrested in North Carolina. At the same time, being willing to face a difficult situation and look into what to do after you are arrested can help you to navigate the whole process as smoothly as possible!
So what exactly are you supposed to do after an arrest? Read on to learn all about the most important things to do as soon as possible after your arrest!
Exercise Your Right to Remain Silent
There is a reason that the right to remain silent was included in the Bill of Rights way back when the United States was first founded.
Without putting the right to remain silent in the Bill of Rights, there would always be a temptation in the legal system to take that right away from people. It is an extremely powerful right that can help protect people from being sent to jail.
Police officers learn a lot of techniques to try to persuade people not to exercise their right to remain silent. The most important thing to remember is to exercise it anyway. You should also ask for an attorney as soon as possible.
Ask for an Attorney Right After Being Arrested
You don't want the police to think you are hiding anything. You don't want to act like you don't want to share your story. However, there is a right time and a wrong time to share your side of things.
Make it clear to the police that you are fully willing to cooperate and share your story. However, you should also make it clear that you intend to share your story after you have spoken to your lawyer.
Your right to a lawyer is another of the most important rights guaranteed in the United States. Make sure to exercise that right.
Be Polite and Cooperative
Before and after you get your attorney, be polite and cooperative. Be firm about your silence and your request for an attorney. At the same time, do not insult anyone.
Be Prepared for the Bail Process if Necessary
If you need to work with a bail bondsman, you should be familiar with the bail process. Your attorney will help you understand what to do. In general, you want to make it clear to the judge that you are fully willing to appear for your trial.
That way, they are less likely to require you to pay an extremely high bail amount.
The more you understand the process after you are arrested, the better you will be able to navigate the legal system. That can save you a lot of time and money. It can also increase the chance that you will receive a favorable trial outcome
Understand What to Do if You Are Arrested in North Carolina
We hope that some of the ideas in this short article on the most important things to do when you are arrested in North Carolina have been helpful for you. Most people are not familiar with what happens when they are arrested. That makes it extremely important that they do their due diligence and research to prepare.
To learn more about what to do after you are arrested or to find quality legal support, feel free to reach out and get in touch with us here at any time!