The Top Bail Bond Tips For Making Sure You Don’t Break the Bank
In the unfortunate event that you or a loved one gets arrested, you need the best bail bond tips that’ll save you money.
You should speak to a criminal attorney with experience so that you can save on bail bond fees, but also spend some time speaking to an experienced bail bondsman.
Getting assistance from both of these professionals gives you the best chances of lowering those costs.
Here are the best tips you need to know before posting a bond for a loved one.
Average Bail Bondsman Fees
When you reach out to a bail bondman, you are typically charged a 15% fee to be bailed out of jail.
Therefore, if the bail is set for $50,000, you would be responsible for $7,500. For many people, that’s a lot of money that will not just be laying around to use on a rainy day.
That is a large chunk of cash and the right lawyer can help you lower those bondsman fees to a more reasonable amount.
Attorney Referrals
Retaining a criminal defense lawyer before posting bail is one of the top bail bond tips.
Once you speak to a criminal defense lawyer about bail bond services, you are entitled to a bail bond. We recommend doing so before speaking to any bondsmen yourself, especially for large bonds.
When a private attorney is retained, a bail bondsman can offer more competitive bail bond fees. When a defendant hires a lawyer in advance, it lowers the bond liability to bail agents.
Have Your Bail Amount Reduced
It may not be wise to bail out your loved one before having your first court hearing (or arraignment). Your criminal defense attorney can negotiate with the judge to lower your bail bond fees or reduce the bail altogether.
If the judge decides to honor you or your loved ones’ bond, that means you get to go without any bond fees.
Save yourself thousands by hiring a good criminal defense attorney before speaking to any bail bondsmen.
Reduce Your Bail BEFORE Court
Some countries allow your criminal defense lawyer to contact the detention release officer to reduce your bail before your arraignment.
Detention release officers are on duty for 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, making them available to attend to any situation. Have your criminal defense lawyer take advantage of this by talking to them to save you a large sum of money in fees.
You May Not Need to Pay Bail
There is a chance that you won’t have to pay bail bond fees altogether.
In some cases, criminal charges aren’t filed within two court days after an arrest. In this event, you or your loved one has to be released from custody without needing to post bail.
Follow These Bail Bond Tips
If you need to post bail for a loved one, it is essential that you take these bail bond tips into consideration.
Hire a skilled and knowledgeable attorney with years of experience before contacting any bondsmen.
Avoid throwing away your money by speaking to the right person today! Get in touch with us today to get some help.